In the news |
God Struck Out
In 1913, Mickey Major and 17 others were arrested. Their crime? Playing baseball on Sunday. (Mickey's the man in the middle in the photo above.) |
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Tony Kane's last voyage
The bootlegging Kane could have been a character in "Boardwalk Empire." |
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Christmas tragedy
In December, 1929, Leo Major and six other teenagers crammed into a car to buy holiday decorations in Skaneateles for their school. Minutes later tragedy struck. |
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Grapes of wrath
Two O'Hara sisters from Camillus,, NY, went for a ride with some friends one night and wound up getting shot at by a farmer hiding in his grape vines. |
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Missing brother found in Pennsylvania after 19 years
William McLaughlin, who disappeared from Skaneateles, NY, in 1891, was found in 1910 by his brother, James, in a hamlet in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania. |
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Adventurous job
Andrew Carrigan discovered that being a motorman on the electric railroad had its hazards. |
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Another James McLaughin
While there were several McLaughlin family members in Skaneateles, including two named James, it was a third James McLaughlin who may have been the most interesting, though it's only a guess to say he was related to the others.
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It could have been much worse
It's a miracle only one Marcellus student was killed at the Kirkville train crossing. |
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Tragedy at Putnam's Crossing
Two lives were lost as the result of a spectacular, but perhaps inevitable train-car collision in Jordan, NY, in 1917. |
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Have teasels, will travel
Skaneateles farmers turned weeds into a thriving industry. |
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Stalked by tragedy
The family of Kate Major's husband, William J. Dougherty, had more than its share of tragedies. |