Stanley "Buster"
Athlete, prankster,
Helen Smolinski
We called ther
the navigator

Jack Major:
Often blessed with
good timing

Mary Beth
Major Chard
As a child, she
was never alone
Olinda Johnson
Cupid was
a car thief
Jeffrey Stephen
Child psychology
didn't work
Laura Suzanne
Watch out for
the quiet ones
Meridith Johnson
She loves L. A.
Bimby and Bobby Smolinski:
Anything you can do . . .
William Smolinski:
He put us into
the movies
Jim Smolinski:
He always had
the last laugh
Tom Smolinski:
He made it look easy
Liz Major:
Family historian,
poet laureate
Wanda Smolinski
Maybe she
WAS Gracie Allen
Alma Kaldowski
The perfect
talk show guest
Kathleen Nicholson
Mullally Johnson:

A face from the '40
Sister Mary
Beloved nun
from Skaneateles
Oel Johnson: Adversity met
its match
Stewart and
Ruth Donnan:

King and queen
of Donnan Farm
Charles Major Sr.: Remarkable in
many ways
Charles Major Jr.:
The judge who
puts out fires
John C. McLaughlin:
Jordan lawyer
and politician
Thomas Francis
The singing professor

Patrick Carrigan: The Irish Lord of Skaneateles
Modesto "Mike" Chemotti:
He led a very long, full life
Msgr. Robert Davern: A long and varied ministry
James D. Flynn: World War One sharpshooter
John Edward Major: Auburn police detective
John P. Major: Vacations weren't for him
Sarto Major: From deputy to Onondaga County sheriff
Mickey Major: Best known as a baseball player (below)
Thomas Major: Barber and proud father
Edward F. McLaughlin: State Supreme Court judge
Lachlan D. McLaughin: Fighter pilot
Michael J. O'Hara: He was the man to call
Rev. Joseph J. Smolinski: The preaching paratrooper
1931 Reunion: Descendants of Mary Anne and William Major

You're invited to share your recollection
of someone on a branch of our family.
In the news
God Struck Out
In 1913, Mickey Major and 17 others were arrested. Their crime? Playing baseball on Sunday. (Mickey's the man in the middle in the photo above.)
Tony Kane's last voyage
The bootlegging Kane could have been a character in "Boardwalk Empire."
Christmas tragedy
In December, 1929, Leo Major and six other teenagers crammed into a car to buy holiday decorations in Skaneateles for their school. Minutes later tragedy struck.

Grapes of wrath
Two O'Hara sisters from Camillus,, NY, went for a ride with some friends one night and wound up getting shot at by a farmer hiding in his grape vines.

Missing brother found in Pennsylvania after 19 years
William McLaughlin, who disappeared from Skaneateles, NY, in 1891, was found in 1910 by his brother, James, in a hamlet in the heart of the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania.
Adventurous job
Andrew Carrigan discovered that being a motorman on the electric railroad had its hazards.
Another James McLaughin
While there were several McLaughlin family members in Skaneateles, including two named James, it was a third James McLaughlin who may have been the most interesting, though it's only a guess to say he was related to the others.
It could have been much worse
It's a miracle only one Marcellus student was killed at the Kirkville train crossing.
Tragedy at Putnam's Crossing
Two lives were lost as the result of a spectacular, but perhaps inevitable train-car collision in Jordan, NY, in 1917.
Have teasels, will travel
Skaneateles farmers turned weeds into a thriving industry.
Stalked by tragedy
The family of Kate Major's husband, William J. Dougherty, had more than its share of tragedies.