Most of the information below was gleaned from War Department announcements that appeared in the Syracuse Herald-Journal. Some of the servicemen and women listed on these pages did not live in Solvay or the town of Geddes, but in neighborhoods associated more with the village than with the city of Syracuse where their homes were located. I've corrected what I believe were spelling errors, particularly in regard to names. However, I'm sure errors remain. To correct them or to add people I inadvertently overlooked, contact me at the email address at the bottom of the page. — JACK MAJOR |
- D - |
Pfc. Pasquale Daddario, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Daddario of Armstrong Road, Lakeland, was killed in action in the infantry in France, June 30, according to a telegram to his family from the War Department. (7/27/44) |
Pfc. Dominico D'Alfonso, Marine, son of Alex D'Alfonso, 200 Sixth Street, Solvay, was reported wounded in action by the War Department today. (12/12/42) |
That action was at Guadalcanal where Pfc. D'Alfonso was with the 1st Marine Division. He received a Purple Heart. After the war he moved to North Syracuse where he was a maintenance supervisor for the U. S. Postal Service. He died in 1997 at the age of 76. Among his survivors were his wife, Bette, and five sons — Dominic and David of North Syracuse; Dennis of Lawrenceville, Georgia; Donald of Tallahassee, Florida, and Daniel of Cicero, New York. |
Robert M. Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Micnael F. Dalton of 405 Charles Avenue, Solvay, has bgeen commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Army Air Crops. He won his wings as pilot at Spence Field, Georgia. Dalton was captain of the golf team at Solvay High School. (9/6/43)
At a 12th AAA B-25 base on Corsica — Award of the Air Medal “for meritorious achievement while participating in an attack on enemy communications in Italy” has been made to Lieut. Robert M. Dalton, 24, of Solvay. The presentation was made by Brig. Gen. Robert D. Knapp of Auburn, Alabama. Lieut. Dalton is serving as a pilot in a veteran B-25 Mitchell group in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations. His wife, Nancy, resides at 128 Freeman Avenue, Solvay. (12/21/44) |
News of the death of Anthony Dannibale, 21, in action in the South Pacific has been received from the United States Marine Corps by his father, Joseph Dannibale of 103 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay.
Two of his brothers are in service: Louis F. Dannibale enlisted in the Army in February, 1943, Mario Dannibale was inducted in July, 1943. (12/2/42) |
Louis Frank Dannible, a resident of Fairmount, died in February, 2006. The spelling of his last name was slightly changed, but he was the brother of war victim Anthony Dannibale. His brother, Mario, died in 1973.
Louis F. Dannible served in the Army in the Pacific campaign. His obituary said he was born in DeFeriet, New York, but his family moved to Solvay, where he attended high school. He was a bricklayer and a superintendent for Sal Masonry of Syracuse. He was survived by his wife, the former Mary Ann Louise, to whom he was married for almost 60 years, and by two sons, Anthony of Liverpool and Thomas of Fairmount, and a brother, Phillip of Camillus.
Pfc. Joseph A. Dantuano, husband of Mrs. Doris Dantuano, 203 Abell Avenue, Solvay, is a member of the 84th Depot Supply Squadron stationed in Italy. He is at his home after six months overseas. (7/16/45) |
Pvt. Daniel Dantuano, 414 Center Street, Solvay, a brother of Joseph A. Dantuano, also served in the Army. |
I have seen the name spelled two different ways — Dantuano and Dantuono — and believe, in the case of Daniel, that he uses the latter. |
Lieut. Joseph DeCosta, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. August DeCosta, 350 Mackey Avenue, Fairmount, is missing in action over Europe, according to a War Department message to his family. DeCosta, stationed in Italy, is a navigator aboard a Flying Fortress. He has been missing over Romania since April 5.
In a letter written the day before he was lost, DeCosta said he had completed 31 missions and had received his fifth Oak Leaf cluster to the Air Medal. He went overseas in December.
A graduate of Solvay High School, he attended Syracuse and Louisiana State Universities. He was employed by Halcomb Division of Crucible Steel Company before entering service in October, 1942.
A brother, Staff Sgt. Anthony J. DeCosta, is with the Army engineers at Camp Robinson, Arkansas. He has a younger brother, Alfonso DeCosta, at home, and two sisters, Mrs. Ethel Simao of Solvay and a married sister, Cecilia, living in South Africa where her husband has a plantation. (4/29/44) |
Lieut. Joseph DeCosta survived and became a prisoner of war in Romania. Joseph DeCosta predeceased his brother, Alfonso John DeCosta, who also entered the service during the war after he graduated from Solvay High School in 1944.
Alfonso DeCosta died in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1999 at the age of 72. At the time of his death, his brother, Anthony J. DeCosta, was living in Palm Springs, California.
Frank DeCirce lived at 900 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, when he was inducted in the Navy in April, 1944. S 1/c Frank DeCirce was discharged from Sampson Naval Base in December, 1945. DeCirce spent most of his life in Solvay, retiring from Allie Chemical Corporation where he was employed 35 years. He was a member of Stanley Pennock Post 2893, Veterans of Foreign Wars. He died in 1991, at the age of 81. |
Perhaps no last name has presented more of a challenge in this project than the one most commonly spelled DeGilio. Variations include DeGiglio, DeGillio, DeGiulio, DiGilio, Digiglio and DiGiulio. I suspect the spellings with two g's is are the most correct. In any event, I found five members of three Solvay families who were in uniform during World War 2. I've reprinted the spellings the way they appeared in the newspaper. |
Ralph DeGilio, private, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeGilio, 701 Second Street, Solvay, is home of 15-day furlough from Camp Shelby, Mississippi. (10/23/42) |
Paul F. DiGiulio, 205 Darrow Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army. (7/8/43) |
Pvt. Ralph DiGiglio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Graziano Di Giglio, 423 Center Street, Solvay, has returned to Camp Mackall, North Carolina, where he is in the Paratroopers, after a 10-day furlough. His father was a veteran of World War I. (12/6/43) |
Three sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeGilio of 701 Second Street, Solvay, are serving in the Army. Pvt. Ralph DeGilio is now at home after a year and a half in Italy in the Fifth Army. He received the Bronze Star award. Pvt. George DeGilio is stationed in Florida with the military police. Pfc. Anthony DeGilio, husband of Mrs. Antoinette DeGilio of 212 Grumbach Avenue, is in Germany. He has a two and a half year old daughter, Madeline. (6/24/45) |
Pfc. George DeGilio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeGillio (cq) of 701 Second Street, Solvay, is serving with the Army in the Panama Canal Zone. he has been in service 18 months. (12/19/45) |
Madeline D'Alessio DiGiglio, widow of Joseph (Giuseppe) and mother of Ralph, George and Anthony DeGilio, died in 1999 at the age of 97 and indicated that she retained one spelling while her children went with a more phonetic spelling. Ralph DeGilio died five months after his mother. He had moved to North Tonawanda where he was an assistant building inspector for the city. Anthony DeGilio of Westvale died in 2000 at age 81. Survivors included his wife and daughter mentioned above.
Ralph DiGilio of Center Street, Solvay, was a member of the Pathfinders with the 13th Airborne Division and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He became an executive with Signet Bank and died at his home in Potomac Falls, Virginia in 2010, at the age of 86.
Second Class Seaman William A. Del Farro has been passing a furlough of one week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Del Farro, 433 Chemung Street, Solvay, following completion of basic training at the Sampson Naval Base. He is a graduate of Solvay High School and a former employe of the Solvay Process Company. (1/25/43) |
Michael R. DeLallo, 21, son of Mrs. Theresa DeLallo of 709 Second Street, Solvay, was graduated last week from the Army Flying School near Columbus, Mississippi, and commissioned as a second lieutenant with wings. He formerly attended the Syracuse Institute of Accounting and was acting supply sergeant at Mitchel Field, Long Island, before being appointed an aviation cadet. He started his flying course on March 26, 1942. (1/16/43) |
Michael R. DeLallo retired from the service at a Lieutenant Colonel with the Air Force. He was a General Electric business administrator for 12 years, then owned and operated the American School of Drafting and served as an Onondaga County legislator from 1970-72. He moved to Baldwinsville after the war. He died in 2012 at the age of 91. |
Corp. Edward DeLorenzo of 403 Second Street, Solvay, was wounded in action in Luxembourg January 5, his wife, Mrs. Margarer DeLorenzo has been informed by the War Department. Mrs. DeLorenzo also has had word from her husband who is in a hospital in Belgium.
Corp. DeLorenzo entered the Army in June, 1943, and went overseas last October after training at Camp Stewart, Georgia; Camp Bandor, Mississippi, and Fort Meade, Maryland. His wife resides at the Solvay address with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeLorenzo, and his infant son, Joseph Edward. Prior to his induction, Corp. DeLorenzo was employed by Solvay Process Company. (2/4/45) |
Edward DeLorenzo lived in Solvay for 69 years before moving to Lakeland where he died in 1989 at the age of 73. |
John J. DeLorenzo, private, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delorenzo, 403 Second Street, Solvay, has been graduated from the Army Air Force radio school at Scott Field, Illinois. (9/7/42) |
After the war John J. DeLorenzo was a baker, then a bus driver in the West Genesee School District. He moved to Camillus where he died in 1996 at the age of 78. |
Pvt. Rinaldo F. Del Patro, son of Mrs. Anna Del Prato, 1147 Milton Avenue, was killed in action in the European theater of operation on June 12, 1944. He served in the Eighth Infantry, Fourth Infantry Division. |
Pfc. Anthony DeLucia, son of Mr. and Mrs. James DeLucia of 513 Second Street, has been transferred to Atlanta, Georgia, to take a course at the Lamson General Hospital. He is a former Solvay High School student and was employed at the Crucible steel mill. (11/22/42)
Corp. Anthony J. DeLucia, Seaman, Second Class, James M. DeLucia, sons of Mr. and Mrs. James DeLucia of Solvay, and their uncle, Pfc. William Winchellof 401 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, are serving in the armed forces. The brothers give the family Army and Navy representation.
Corp. DeLucia is stationed at Fort Meade General Hospital, Maryland. James is enrolled in Gunner’s Mate School in the Navy at Newport, Rhode Island. He recently enjoyed a furlough after completing basic training at Sampson. Winchell is with the Quartermaster Corps in the Aleutian Islands. He left for overseas two months after induction and has been in the service 14 months. (7/4/43) |
Anthony J. DeLucia died in 2004 at the age of 83. He was a life resident of Solvay and a member of the Solvay-Geddes Veterans. He retired in 1984 as a field engineer at Stearns and Wheeler. |
James Michael De Lucia Jr., fireman, 1/c, Naval Reserve, of Solvay, is missing in action, it was announced today by the War Department. (10/20/44) |
It was later announced that James Michael De Lucia Jr. was dead. |
Mrs. Joseph Del Vecchio of 821 Woods Road, Solvay, has been notified by the War Department that her husband, Corp. Joseph Del Vecchio, 26, was wounded in action in Germany, September 20.
Corp. Del Vecchio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Del Vecchio of 308 Darrow Avenue, Solvay, has been in service two and one-half years and went to England last January 30.
At Pine Camp he was awarded two medals for expert marksmanship. He attended Solvay High School. He has a daughter, Jo Ann, aged five months. His brother, Charles Del Vecchio, is in the Army Air Force in North Carolina and his brother-in-law, Michael Vanelli, is in the Navy. (10/15/44) |
Carlo Francisco DeMarchi, 1937 Milton Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the U. S. Army today. (2/18/42) |
Carlo F. DeMarchi returned to Solvay and was employed by Allied Chemical Corporation for 40 years. He died in 2010 at the age of 90. |
Pfc. Peter Demarchi, son of Mrs. Marianna Demarchi, 1937 Milton Avenue, Solvay, has been enrolled in Surgical School at Bulmount General Hospital, Texas. He will take a three-month course. (5/16/43) |
Pfc. Edmund DeMatteo, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DeMatteo of 1101 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, has recovered from wounds suffered in action in France, July 29, and has returned to duty. He has sent to his parents the Purple Heart awarded to him. Pfc. DeMatteo entered the service in 1942 and went overseas last March. His brother, Pvt. Eugene DeMatteo, is in service at Camp Buttner, North Carolina. (9/22/44) |
Both DeMatteo brothers were awarded the Purple Heart. Additionally, Edmund S. Dematteo received the Bronze Star and three Bronze Service stars. Eugene R. Dematteo graduated from Syracuse University in 1952 and became an engineer and superintendent of projects for the village of Solvay. Years later he moved to Bellevue, Washington, where he died in 1989, at the age of 65.
Edmund S. Dematteo, also a Solvay High School graduate, received a degree in chemistry from Canton College and a BS degree in psychology from Syracuse University. He remained in the Solvay area and died in 2008 at the age of 86.
Syracuse Herald-Journal, August 16, 1943
Nicholas Demperio of 316 Sixth Street, Solvay, had two surprises last week. On Monday he read in the Herald-Journal that his son, Corp. Dominick Demperio, had been awarded the Silver Star medal for "bravery and gallantry in action beyond the call of duty in the face of the enemy" and for saving valuable military equipment.
Two days later he received in the mail a small carton and on opening it discovered it to be the medal itself, sent from North Africa by his son.
“Boy, I cried, I was so happy,” the proud father said.”
Corp. Demperio, 23, was inducted May 9, 1942, and the following July sailed for England. He served throughout the North African campaign with a field artillary unit. (8/16/43) |
Dominick Demperio, nicknamed "Doc," was born in Italy. He played semi-pro softball and baseball. He remained in Solvay after the war and worked in rigging and expediting at Allied Chemical for 43, retiring in 1982. He died in 2012, at the age of 92, survived by his wife of 63 years, the former Mary Holgado. |
Pvt. James C. Demperio, 1212 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, has returned to Camp Gordon, Georgia, after a 10-day furlough. A graduate of Solvay High School, he entered service in March. He is with the mechanized cavalry. (8/26/43) |
I believe from a reading of the 1930 U. S. Census that James C. Demperio's parents were James and Lucy Demperio. Also, I found a list that had John J. Demperio, 1205 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, being inducted into the Army in February, 1943. |
Nicholas Demperio, motor machinist’s mate 1/c, USNR, of 205 First Street, Solvay, and his shipmates aboard the LST 59, Portland, England, will soon head toward the United States after serving nearly a year and a half in Europe. (7/16/45) |
Nicholas J. Demperio, who was nicknamed "Dipper," worked with the Syracuse Police Department in in 1971 was cited by Parade Magazine and the International Assocation of Chiefs of Police for outstanding bravery for his action in preventing a robbery at a Syracuse restaurant. Off-duty and unarmed, he was in the restaurant when two robbers entered. One put a knife to Demperio's throat, the other pointed a rifle at the proprietor. Demperior jumped for the gunman and overpowered him, though he was shot in the leg in the process. Demperio retired in 1982; he died in 2000. |
Hi Jack,
I noticed some of my family listed in your Solvay goes to war but I didn’t see my grandfather. His name is Raymond James Demperio, he’s 95 and still living in Syracuse. He was in World War Two and Korean War.
Thank you, Jennifer Demperio
She attached a clipping from the Syracuse Post-Standard (October 26, 1953) when Raymond J. Demperio was stationed aboard the heavy cruiser, USS Baltimore of the U. S. Sixth Fleet. Demperior was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Demperio, then living at 209 King Avenue, Solvay.
Victor V. DePaul, 71, South Avenue, Solvay, died in April, 1992. He was a Navy veteran of World War 2. He had retired in 1982 as a self-employed floor finishing contractor. Surviving were his wife, Mary Lea; and five sisters, Antoinette Frio and Mary Tobin, both of Syracuse, Lena Cerio and Helen DeSpirito, both of Solvay, and Alice Drumm of Camillus. |
Announcement is made of the marriage in St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, Indianapolis, Indiana, on June 14, of Miss Gloria Mae Sommers, daughter of Mrs. Gertrude Somers of Indianapolis, to S/Sgt. George E. Derrickson Jr., USAAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Derrickson, 323 Lodi Street, Syracuse.
Sgt. Derrickson was graduated from Solvay High School. He recently returned from England on a 30-day furlough. He and his bride are expected in Syracuse on July 25 to visit his parents. (7/22/45) |
Pfc. Frank A. DeSantis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick DeSantis of 205 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, was killed in action at Aachen, September 15, his parents have learned. He was in action in Normandy and Holland. (10/12/44) |
Corp. Lawrence F. DeSantis, brother of Frank A. DeSantis, was awarded the Army good conduct medal at Fort McClellan, Alabama. (6/5/44) |
Anthony DeSantis,whom I believe was an older brother of Frank A. DeSantis, also served in the Army in World War 2. Later he was a self-employed contractor who built homes in Solvay and Geddes. He died in 1995 at the age of 83, survived by his wife, the former Rose Luckette, and ten children, including seven daughters. |
Sgt. Frank J. DeSantis, 405 Fourth Street, Solvay, stationed at Camp Haan, California, enjoyed a furlough home. (1/14/44) |
Corp. James De Santis Jr., 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. James De Santis of 253 Amherst Avenue, has returned to his post in Mississippi after passing a 15-day furlough at home. A former student of Solvay High School, Corporal De Santis enlisted in the Army on May 4. (11/5/42) |
Among the many names in the lists of servicemen being discharged in late 1945 was MoMM 3/c Pasquale DeSantis, Solvay. |
James H. Despirito, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Despirito, 208 Alice Avenue, Solvay, is studying at the naval training school for radiomen at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. (8/7/42) |
James DeSpirito served as a Navy radioman who touched many bases during the war, from the African and Middle Eastern campaign to the Asiatic Pacific campaign and the Philippine liberation. He was a liner at Iroquois China for 27 years, later working 10 years at Church and Dwight before retiring in 1982. He remained in Solvay and died in 2007 at the age of 88. |
Corp. William M. DeSpirito, 21, was killed in combat on Iwo Jima February 19 while serving with the Marine Corps, according to word received by his mother, Mrs. Olive Hall, formerly Mrs. Olive DeSpirito of 113 Boyd Avenue, Solvay. (3/30/45) |
John N. DeStaffan of Solvay enlisted in the Naval Reserve yesterday at the Navy Recruiting Station and has reported for training at Sampson. (12/15/44) |
Jack DeStaffan was a driver and trainer for the U. S. Post Office for 27 years and an independent trucker for the Syracuse Newspapers for over 50 years. He moved to Camillus, then returned to Solvay. He died in 2004 at the age of 77, survived by his wife of 54 years, the former Carmella Albino. |
Pvt. Joseph DeStefano, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam DeStefano, 405 Chemung Street, is stationed with a tank destroyer outfit at Camp Hood, Texas. (6/6/43)
Pvt. Joseph Destefano is now stationed in North Africa. (11/14/43) |
Technically just outside the village, 405 Chemung Street is often considered part of Solvay. I also found Louis J. DeStefano, a World War 2 Army veteran who was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2893, Solvay. Louis DeStefano, who died in 2000 at the age of 93, was born in Italy, but lived 90 years in the Syracuse area, finally settling in DeWitt.
Also, among the list of people inducted into the Army on February 11, 1943 was William DeStefano, 740 State Fair Boulevard, Lakeland. And among those listed as being discharged from the Army from Fort Dix, New Jersey, in October, 1945, was Sgt. Henry DeStefano, Solvay. Given the number of DeStefano families in the town of Geddes, I suspect I am missing a few who may have been in uniform during World War 2.
First Lieut. Joseph J. DeVona of 1001 Avery Avenue is a member of the 318th Fighter Group, whose strike at Japan from a new Okinawa air base has just been disclosed by the air force. He wears the Air Medal and an Oak Leaf Cluster. (7/5/45) |
Corp. and Mrs. Ken Dilling are visiting Corp. Dilling’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira K. Dilling and his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernier, 331 Driscoll Avenue, Solvay. Corp. Dilling, USAAC, has recently returned from the South Pacific where he completed 12 missions as a radio gunner. Following a 30-day furlough he will proceed to an Air Cadet School in Mississippi. (2/13/44)
Corp Kenneth E. Dilling is undergoing Army processing at Keesler Field, Mississippi, to determine his qualifications as a pre-aviation cadet. (4/6/44) |
This first item places the Dilling home in Solvay, which may be correct, though Driscoll is one of those streets that is mostly in Syracuse. However, it does intersect with Charles Avenue, which is very much inside the village. There was at least one definite Solvay connection — Kenneth Dilling's brother, Corp. Raymond Glenwood Dilling, married a Solvay woman, Ruth A. Phillips of 122 Franklin Avenue. And when Raymond Glenwood Dilling was inducted into the Army in 1943, the newspaper again referred to Driscoll Avenue as being in Solvay. |
Pfc. John DiNiro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Domenick DiNiro, 1138 Avery Avenue, Syracuse, is in the military police service somewhere overseas. (11/19/43) |
Pvt. Raymond T. Divers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril T. Divers of 209 Charles Avenue, Solvay, was honorably discharged at Camp Crowder, Missouri. (12/5/43) |
Raymond T. Divers was born in Franklin, New Jersey, but grew up in Solvay, then moved to Camillus in 1955. He was a managing engineer at Carrier Corporation, retiring in 1987. He was the owner of seven patents and considered an expert in the fields of electric motors and hermetic electric motor insulation. He served with the Army Signal Corps. Raymond Divers died in 2008 at the age of 84.
John E. Doran, corporal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doran, 401 Woods Road, Solvay, was promoted to sergeant at Grenier Field, Manchester, New Hampshire. (4/1/42) |
Jack Doran worked 29 years at the Syracuse Post Office and for awhile was acting postmaster; he retired in 1976. He served with the Army Air Force. He died in 1998 at the age of 79. |
Robert E. Doran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Doran of 401 Woods Road, Solvay, was recently graduated from the Aviation Ordnance School at the U. S. Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. (6/6/45) |
Robert Doran served with the Navy Air Force and after the war was a steelworker who retired and moved to St. Augustine, Florida, where he died in 2004 at the age of 81. Survivors included his wife, Katherine, and seven children, five of whom were living in Central New York. |
A third brother, Thomas J. Doran, was an Army veteran of World War 2. He was a native of Solvay, but lived most of his life in Fairmount before moving to Phoenix, Arizona, where he died in 1990 at the age of 64. |
And then there was William J. Doran, who may have been related to the three Dorans above, but wasn't a brother. He was a graduate of Solvay High and an Army veteran of World War 2, a member of the Stanley Pennock Post, VFW, and the Disabled American Veterans. He lived in Westvale on Parsons Drive and died in 1993 at the age of 66. |
T/Sgt. John E. Doyle Jr., 24, was killed in a plane crash near Oopsurg, Holland, on May 31, after V-E Day. The son of John E. Doyle of Camillus, RD-1, he died in the crash of a bomber on which he was engineer-gunner. (6/24/45) |
Minier F. Doyle, sergeant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Minier Doyle of RFD 1, Syracuse, will attend the Armored Forces Officer Candidate School at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The Solvay High School graduate has been stationed at Grenier Field, Manchester, New Hampshire. (12/8/42) |
Minier F. Doyle died in 2004 at the age of 89. He lived in Massachusetts and is buried in the state's Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Agawam. |
Pvt. George Dubosh is stationed in San Francisco and his brother, Pfc. Bernard Dubosh is at Fort Benning, Georgia. They are sons of Andrew Dubosh and the late Mary Haraksin Dubosh. The Dubosh family lives at 108 Center Street, Solvay. (6/7/43) |
Andrew Dubosh died in November, 1943, five months after his wife. His Army sons were on the move. Pvt. George Dubosh had gone from San Francisco to Australia, Corp. Bernard Dubosh from Fort Benning to Camp Granada, Mississippi. Another son, Frank, had died in 1941, at the age of 27. There were four other Dubosh children.
Bernard Dubosh died in 1976. His brother George died in 1996 at the age of 87. George Dubosh was born in Pennsylvania, but lived in Solvay most of his life. He retired from Pass & Seymour Company after working there 40 years.
Pfc. James F. Duprey Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Duprey of Amboy, was graduated from the Flexible Gunnery School at Fort Myers, Florida, as an aerial gunner and was assigned to Sheppard Field, Texas, attending Aircraft Mechanics School. He is a graduate of Solvay High School and was formerly employed by the Crucible Steel Company. (5/26/43) |
James F. Duprey Jr. moved to North Syracuse and worked as a right of way claims agent for New York Telephone. He retired in 1982 and, like may Central New Yorkers, spent his winters at his home in Florida, where he died in 2001 at the age of 77, survived by his wife of 54 years, Viola. Duprey was the recipient of the New York State Conspicuous Service Medal for his action as a member of the Army Air Force in World War 2. |
Sgt. Hiram A. Duryea, 110 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, was awarded a blue and gold Distinguished Unit Citation. He is a cook in an AAF fighter group in the Mediterranean. (10/12/44) |
Hiram A. Duryea died in 1946, at the age of 30. No cause of death was given in his newspaper obituary.
William Duxbury, 509 Third Street, Solvay, was inducted into the Navy in April, 1944. He was a native of Leeds, England, and after the war returned to the Solvay area, living in Westvale for the last 35 years of his life. He was a production control clerk for Allied Chemical. He died in 1988 at the age of 76.
Charles Duxbury, brother of William, also served in the Navy, and was discharged in 1945 with the rank of Electrician's Mate, Second Class (EM 2/c). He, too, was born in Leeds, England, and after the war settled in Baldwinsville, though he worked in Solvay at Allied Chemical. He died in 1990, at the age of 81. |
Lieut. Thomas Hinsdale Dyer of 403 Breakspeare Road, Westvale, has been appointed executive officer of a destroyer escort of the Atlantic Fleet. He entered the Navy in May, 1943, and wears the American and the European-African-Middle Eastern Theater ribbons. (7/16/45) |
Thomas H. Dyer graduated from Syracuse Univeristy and earned a law degree from the Syracuse University College of Law, then began a long and distinguished career. He lived in Navarino and Marcellus before moving to Manlius in 1995. He died a year later at the age of 84. |
T/Sgt. John S. Dziadula of 510 Third Street, Solvay, was recently awarded the Combat Infantryman’s badge while serving in the 103d (Cactus) Division of the Seventh Army. (7/5/45) |
John S. Dziadula became a medical attendant at the Van Duyn Home and Hospital. He died in 1991 at the age of 72, survived by a daughter, Jackie DeCecco of Camillus, and two grandchildren. |
Inducted into the armed services:
Robert L. Damerski, 211 First Street, Solvay (Army, 7/8/43)
John J. Del Favero Jr., 433 Chemung Street, Solvay (Navy, 3/2/44)
Stanley W. Dombrowski, 312, First Street, Solvay (4/23/42)
Joseph E. Dubiel, RD-1, Solvay (Army, 8/10/43)
Discharged from the service:
Joseph M. Delfucco, 723 State Fair Boulevard, Lakeland (9/26/45)
Sgt. John T. Demerake, Solvay (9/29/45) |
- E - |
Sgt. Guido Emanuelli, son of Louis Emanuelli Sr., 218 Lamont Avenue, Solvay, is in the New Hebrides Islands with a construction battalion after being transferred from Guadalcanal. He wears the Good Conduct medal. He has been in the service 28 months. (8/12/44) |
Samuel Harris Emlich, 208 Hall Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in February, 1943. Later he became a security supervisor for General Motors, Syracuse, retiring after 37 years. He moved to Debary, Florida, and died in 2001, at the age of 86. |
Francis J. Erhard, 711 Scarboro Drive, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in April, 1942, and two years later fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He returned to Scarboro Drive and was a mail sorter at the U. S. Post Office before retiring in 1974. He died in 1994 at the age of 87. |
Walter A. Ewanski, 407 Darrow Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in April 1944, and after the war returned to Darrow Avenue. He died in 1963, survived by his wife, Margaret, and two children. |
Seaman Second Class Emilio J. Ezzo, stationed at Little Creek, Virginia, enjoyed a three-day furlough with his wife and child at 511 Wolf Street. He obtained his basic training at Sampson. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ezzo Sr., 105 Boyd Avenue, Solvay. (10/31/43) |
Seaman Second Class Louis J. Ezzo completed basic training at Sampson, and is now attending armed guard school at Gulfport, Mississippi. He enjoyed a week’s furlough with his wife and son, Anthony, at 302 Abell Avenue, Solvay. he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ezzo, 105 Boyd Avenue. (8/12/44) |
Promotion of Pvt. Michael N. Ezzo of 105 Boyd Avenue, Solvay, to the rank of corporal was announced at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where Ezzo is on maneuvers with the 114th Infantry, 44th Division. Corp. Ezzo will pass a 10-day Christmas holiday furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ezzo Sr. (11/20/41) |