Most of the information below was gleaned from War Department announcements that appeared in the Syracuse Herald-Journal. Some of the servicemen and women listed on these pages did not live in Solvay or the town of Geddes, but in neighborhoods associated more with the village than with the city of Syracuse where their homes were located. I've corrected what I believe were spelling errors, particularly in regard to names. I'm sure errors remain. To correct them or to add people inadvertently overlooked, contact me at the email address at the bottom of the page. — JACK MAJOR
- B - |
Bagozzi |
Corp. Edward E. Bagozzi, 1721 Milton Avenue, was discharged from the Army at Fort Dix, New Jersey. (2/2/46) |
Edward Bagozzi returned to Solvay. He owned Bagozzi's Grill at the Milton Avenue address above. He was a member of the Solvay Tyrol Club, the Solvay Tigers A.C., the Solvay-Geddes Community Youth Center and the Adelphia Club, along with the Solvay-Geddes Veterans Association and the Stanley Pennock Post 2893. He died in 1996 at the age of 75.
In December, 1942, Pvt. Guido Bagozzi, 1747 Milton Avenue, Solvay, was stationed at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Pfc. Guido Bagozzi was discharged from the Army at Fort Dix, New Jersey, in September, 1945. |
Guido Bagozzi was a younger brother of Silvio and Fiore, the Bagozzi twins, who began the Bagozzi Twins Funeral Home in Solvay.
Baldrini |
Frank Baldrini, 51, of 224 Woods Road, Solvay, veteran New York Central Railroad conductor, was inducted into the Army today after enlisting at the Syracuse Recruiting Office in the post office. His enlistment makes the third “hitch” in the service for Baldrini, who served overseas in the first World War and re-enlisted after the war was over.
Baldrini, father of four children, has been employed as a conductor on the New York Central 22 years. He is president of the Solvay Tyrol Club. (6/15/42) |
Balduzzi |
I found several servicemen from various Balduzzi families. I will not attempt to indicate relationships unless that are stated in the newspaper items.
Daniel F. Balduzzi, Marine private, a 1937 graduate of Solvay High School and son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Balduzzi, Hayes Road, is on four-day leave from service in Africa. Balduzzi was a member of the Solvay High baseball team and prior to his enlistment worked at Solvay Process Company. (12/10/42) |
Hayes Road is closer to Baldwinsville or Liverpool than it is in Solvay. If the family lived there during the 1930s then it's another indication of the drawing power of Solvay High School back then.
Fedele Balduzzi of 161 North Orchard Road, a native of Tyrol, Austria, moved to Solvay when he was 19. A few years later he joined the Army and served in World War 2. He died in 1997 at the age of 84. Like many of the Solvay veterans, he worked at — and retired from — Allied Chemical Corporation. |
Francis L. "Frank" Balduzzi was another Army veteran of the war. He was a Solvay High School graduate who retired in 1980 after 35 years as a welder at Carrier Corporation. He also was a scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster with the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts for 40 years. He died in 1998 at the age of 80. |
T/5 Guido J. Balduzzi served with the Army in the China, India and Burma campaigns. Returning to his native Solvay, he owned and operated Baldy's Place and Archie's Bar and Grill until he retired in 1982. He was past commander of the Stanley B. Pennock VFW Post 2893 and Onondaga County VFW's, past commander of the China-Burma-India Veteran's Association of Central New York, and a member of American Legion Post 41, Solvay-Geddes Veterans, Solvay Tigers AC, Solvay Tyrol Club and the Moose Club. He died October 11, 2010, at the age of 94. He is buried in the Onondaga County Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Syracuse. He was predeceased by his wife Florence in 2007 and brother Harry in 1977. |
Pfc. Joseph Balduzzi, 1111 Avery Avenue, was discharged from the Army in December, 1945, at Fort Dix, New Jersey. He served in the South Pacific. |
Louis J. Balduzzi, 202 Lamont Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in April, 1942, and discharged in October, 1945. |
Placido Balduzzi, a native of Austria, joined the U. S. Army as a teenager and served in World War 2. Later he was a mechanic at Allied Chemical for 35 years. He died in 2005. |
Richard R. Balduzzi, 205 Darrow Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in August, 1943. |
Valentine Balduzzi, 210 Caroline Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in February, 1942. |
Baratta |
Sgt. Carmine J. Baratta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Baratta of Solvay, returned to Key Field, Mississippi, after a 10-day furlough at the home of his parents. (8/18/42)
Sgt. Carmine Baratta of Solvay enjoyed a visit in France with his cousin, Corp. Patrick Baratta, also of Solvay. Sgt. Baratta, stationed in Belgium, traveled 300 miles to see his cousin. (4/18/45) |
Pvt. Patrick Baratta, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baratta, 311 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, is stationed at Camp Forrest, Tullahome, Tennessee, in the Signal Battalion. He was employed by Crucible Steel Company before entering the service March 20, 1943. (5/12/43)
Pfc. Patrick Baratta has returned to Signal Corps duty at Nashville, Tennessee, after an eight-day furlough with his parents. (11/17/43)
Pfc. Patrick Baratta has just completed a four-month course at Fort Monmouth, NJ. (5/31/44)
After eight months overseas duty in the European theater of operations, Corp. Patrick Baratta of Solvay, has returned to the states and is spending a 30-day furlough with his family. While overseas he served with the 61st Signal Battalion. (8/31/45) |
Patrick Baratta, who retired in 1984 after 40 years as a steelworker with Crucible Specialty Metals, died in 2000. He was 76 and also was a former commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2893.
Nick J. Baratta, a graduate of Solvay High School, also was a World War 2 veteran. I believe he was a brother of Carmine. Nick Baratta died in 2011 at the age of 84. |
Barber |
Seaman Second Class Donald Barber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Barber, 315 First Street, Solvay, is in Navy Ranger Finder School at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He entered service in February and obtain basic training at Sampson. (5/9/44) |
Salvador N. Barber, 315 First Street, Solvay, was inducted into the Army. (12/8/44) |
Barnell |
Seaman 1/c Stanley J. Barnell of 2357 Milton Avenue, Solvay, served aboard the USS Missouri in the Pacific Theater of Operations and was on ship in Tokyo Bay at the signing of the Japanese surrender. (9/8/45) |
Barone |
Corp. Joseph Barone, former Solvay High School athlete stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Pvt. Michael Barone, stationed at Camp Livingston, Louisiana, have both been home on 12-day furloughs, visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Barone of 207 Abell Avenue, Solvay. (1/16/43)
Corp. Joseph C. Barone of Solvay has been wounded in the European fighting, the War Department announced today. (9/15/44) |
Joseph Barone was deployed on day four of the Normandy invasion. He received the American Defense Service Medal, good Conduct Medal and the Purple Heart. Later he worked at the Veterans Administration Medical Center for 30 years and was an active member in the Syracuse chapter of the Disabled American Veterans Organization. He died in 2008 at the age of 93.
Barreca |
David P. Barreca, 320 Hall Avenue, Solvay, a 1943 graduate of Solvay High School, was inducted into the Army in March, 1944. He was wounded in battle and received the Purple Heart. After the war he attended business school at CCBI and became co-owner of the family business, The Green Front Market. He died in 2012 at the age of 87. |
Barrington |
Edward J. Barrington, 1001 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Army in September, 1943. After the war he worked for Syracuse Cold Storage, lived in Phoenix, New York, and later moved to Baldwinsville where he died in 1993, at the age of 78. Among his survivors was his wife, the former Arlene E. Wall. |
Barry |
Lieut. Donald R. Barry of 605 Montrose Avenue, Solvay, is the Post Exchange Officer in Headquarters Command of the Assembly area Command in France, which is processing 8,000 troops daily from Europe. He entered the Army in October, 1940, and holds the Purple Heart. (8/7/45) |
Pvt. John W. Barry, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barry, 605 Montrose Avenue, Solvay, was graduated from the airplane mechanics school at Marfa, Texas. (7/24/43)
S/Sgt. John W. Barry of 605 Montrose Avenue, Solvay, was promoted to his present rank while serving with the Eighth Air Force. (6/5/45) |
John W. Barry retired in 1980 as a route salesman for Ward Baking Company. He died in 1993, survived by his brother, Donald, two other brothers and six sisters..
Beacham |
Mrs. Katherine Nelson, 428 Walters Road, Lakeland, received word yesterday that her son, Pfc. John E. Beacham, 25, a paratrooper who has been imprisoned in Germany for more than a year, has been released.
Overseas since May, 1943, the Syracuse soldier was wounded in the invasion of Sicily and was hospitalized for six weeks in North Africa before rejoining his outfit. Employed by the Solvay Process Company before he entered the service, he attended Solvay High School. He received his paratrooper’s wings in 1942 at Fort Benning, Georgia. (5/9/45) |
Bellotti |
Pfc. Louis J. Bellotti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel N. Bellotti, 217 Lamont Avenue, Solvay, was wounded in Italy, it was disclosed today by the War Department. (5/28/44) |
Bellucci |
Among those taking Naval aviation flight training at Colgate University is Benny Joseph Bellucci, a former Solvay High School student. Upon successful completion of this program he will move on to advance training at other schools. Upon completion he will be commissioned an ensign in the U. S. Naval Reserve, with designation as a naval aviator with assignment to duty with the fleet. (3/6/43)
Cadet Benny Bellucci, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benedetto Bellucci of 423 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, has completed the intensive 11-week course at the Pre-flight School at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and has been promoted to primary flight training at the Naval Air Station at Glenview, Illinois. (12/2/43)
AC Benny Bellucci of Solvay was transferred to the Naval Air Training Center, Corpus Christi, Texas, after completing primary flight training at the Naval Air Station, Glenview, Illinois. (4/6/44) |
Technical Sergeant Lawrence T. Bellucci, 24, of 423 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, has been selected from the finance department of the station complement, Madison Barracks, to attend the Finance Department's Officer Candidate School at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. He formerly attended Syracuse University and Powelson Institute. (9/22/42)
Lt. Lawrence T. Bellucci of Solvay was promoted to his present rank from second lieutenant at Camp Shanks. He has two brothers in service, Benjamin Bellucci, a naval air cadet at Glenview, Illinois, and Matthew Bellucci, in the Signals Corps at Camp Crowder, Missouri. (3/7/44) |
Corp. Mathew J. Bellucci, formerly of 601 Abell Avenue, was promoted to his present rank at Camp Crowder, Missouri. (9/18/44) |
Matthew Bellucci became a staff sergeant and photo lab supervisor in World War 2. He died in 2012 at the age of 95. He was a carpenter and after he retired he worked for the village of Solvay department of public works.
Lawrence Bellucci returned from the war and worked for General Electric, Carrier Corporation and Lipe Rollway before he retired to Stuart, Florida, in 1986. He died in 2011 at the age of 93.
Frank J. Bellucci, a life resident of Solvay who may have been a cousin of the three brothers (above), also was a World War 2 veteran, serving in the Navy. He retired after more than 40 years as a highway engineer with the Camillus branch of the New York State Department of Transportation. He died in 1997 from injuries suffered when he was struck by a tractor-trailer on the Thruway near Liverpool. |
Benedetti |
Tech. Sgt. S. J. Benedetti, son of Cesare Benedetti, 111 Freeman Avenue, Solvay, has been awarded the expert infantry badge at Camp Bowie, Texas. (6/17/44)
T/Sgt. Severino Benedetti of Solvay is being processed at Camp Atlanta in Northeastern France as a member of the first European armored division ordered to the Pacific. He is en route to the United States and will be given a furlough before the division begins its training for action in the Pacific. (7/25/45) |
Severino J. Benedetti probably never was sent to the Pacific; he was discharged from the Army at Fort Dix, New Jersey in December.
T/3 Agabito Benedetti, 111 Freeman Avenue, Solvay, was discharged from Fort Dix, New Jersey. (6/1/45) |
Severino and Agabito weren't the only pair of Benedetti brothers who served in the war. Albert J. and John Benedetti, perhaps cousins of Severino and Agabito, also were in the Army.
Albert J. Benedetti moved to Camillus, but worked in Solvay at Allied Chemical as a crane operator be fore retiring in 1978. He died in 2011 at the age of 96. |
John Benedetti, a 1938 graduate of Solvay High School, was a printer at Syracuse Type Setting. He died in 2008 at the age of 91. Albert Benedetti was survived by his wife of 66 years, the former Irene Papaleoni; John Benedetti was survived by his wife of 64 years, the former Rita Poli. |
Bentley |
Reported missing in action in France June 25, T/Sgt. Lloyd E. Bentley, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bentley of 308 Lionel Avenue, Solvay, is now officially reported dead. His wife, the former Miss Virginia Petterson of Los Angeles, has just been notified of his death. The report was received through the International Red Cross from the German government. (8/15/44) |
Berger |
Three Solvay pals enjoyed a reunion while home on furlough. They are Pfc. Fred Berger of the Marines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berger, 107 Gillis Street; Pvt. Alfred Rabozzi, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rabozzi, 201 Case Street, and Pvt. Joseph Selvester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selvester, 315 Darrow Avenue. Pfc. Berger is stationed at New River, North Carolina; Pvt. Rabozzi is assigned to Camp Forrest, Tennessee, and Pvt. Selvester is stationed at Camp Luna, New Mexico. (10/30/43) |
Fred Berger was an inspector with the Syracuse Fire Department. After he retired, he moved to Florida where he died in 2001 in Port Orange. He was 78.
Bergner |
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bergner, 700 Third Street, Solvay, have been notified that their son, Pfc. Jack Bergner, 19, was killed in action in France, July 6. (8/1/44) |
Berlinski |
Felix Berlinski Jr. of 322 Pleasant Beach Road, Lakeland, entered the Navy in February, 1943. After the war he became a service technician at Cottet's Welding Supply Company, Syracuse. He also worked for 12 years at Sam Dell Ford in Clay. He was a member of VFW Baldwinsville Post 153, Moose Lodge 644, Baldwinsville, American Legion Pulaski Post 1650 and Solvay-Geddes Vets of World War II. He died in 1999 at the age of 75. Among his survivors were his wife, the former Helen Solomon; two daughters, Sue Rydelek of Lakeland and Donna Gould of North Syracuse, and a son, Richard Berlinski of Phoenix, New York. |
Bertolini |
Justino Bertolini, aviation machinist mate first class, son of Mrs. Ernesta Bertolini, 411 Charles Avenue, Solvay, was promoted to his present rank at the Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida. (11/26/43) |
Bethka |
Syracuse Herald-Journal, September 1, 1944
Lieut. James W. Bethka, 28, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bethka of Marion Avenue, Fairmount, and husband of Mrs. Eleanor Gronau Bethka, was killed in an airplane crash in St. Louis yesterday.
Lieut. Bethka was chief test pilot at Scott Field, Illinois. He was a graduate of Solvay High School where he was a widely known athlete.
Lieut. Bethka and his wife were married July 5, 1941, and a son, Norman Bethka, was born to them five months ago. His wife and child were with him at Scott Field.
Surviving besides his wife, son and parents are two brothers, Sgt. Edwin Bethka, now at Hamilton Field, California, and Pvt. Albert Bethka, who just received his wings as aerial gunner at Lowry Field, Colorado. |
Bianchi |
I want to emphasize that this project is a work in progress. I cannot finish this without help from members of the families of people listed. I bring this up now because I have come to the various Bianchi families of Solvay and the town of Geddes. I am lost in a maze of Bianchis. As far as I know so far, at least four members of the various Bianchi families were in uniform during World War 2. There may have been more. I hope relatives will come to my aid by sending me additions or corrections via the email address at the bottom of this page.
Pvt. John W. Bianchi, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bianchi, 404 Bacon Street, Solvay, has returned to Camp Grant, Illinois, after an eight-day furlough. He is with the Medical Corps, after finishing basic training. Pvt. Bianchi enlisted last April, and was called to active duty on his 18th birthday, May 27, 1943. (10/21/43) |
John Bianchi's father, John Nicholas Bianchi, and uncle, Anthony, operated the Bianchi Meat Market. John William Bianchi served with the 7th General Hospital and after the war lived on Century Drive, Westvale, before moving to Homer, New York. In 1976 he retired from Carrier Corporation and moved to Brunswick, Georgia. He died in 2007.
Inducted into the armed services: Pelleno Bianchi, 111 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay. (Navy, 7/8/43) |
Pelleno John Bianchi was known as Bill. He founded several businesses, including S & L Paving Corporation and Bianchi-Trison Corporation. He remained in Solvay and died in 1990 at the age of 66.
Honorably discharged from the Army: Patsy Bianchi, 125 Gere's Lock, Solvay, from Fort Dix, NJ. (12/7/45) |
When the Syracuse Herald-Journal noted his birthday in 1990, the headline was "Mr. Mushroom" Turns 70. Patsy (aka Pat) Bianchi raised mushrooms on his farm on Belle Isle Road for about 25 years. As far as I know, Patsy Bianchi now lives on Scarboro Drive, Solvay.
The obituary for Samuel Bianchi, who died in 1988 at the age of 69, says he died in Veterans Hospital, Bay Pines, Florida. This would indicate he served his country during World War 2. He was the son of Margaret and Pelino Bianchi, natives of Italy who settled in Solvay. Samuel Bianchi was the owner of Syracuse Mobile Homes. |
Bianco |
Eugene J. Bianco, 404 First Street, Solvay, and George H. Johnson,, 701 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, recently completed pre-flight training at the Aviation Cadet Center, San Antonio, Texas, and are now undergoing primary flight training. (2/21/43)
Lt. Eugene J. Bianco,, 404 First Street, Solvay, is completing his training as a co-pilot at the Army air base, Delhart, Texas, preparatory for combat duty. (3/15/44)
Second Lieutenant Eugene J. Bianco, son of Mrs. Mary J. Bianco of 404 First Street, Solvay, is being held as a prisoner by the Germans. (8/19/44) |
After the war Eugene J. Bianco worked as manager in the reservations department for American and Mohawk-Allegheny airlines, retiring in 1977. He was a member of American Ex-Prisoners of War, 8th Air Force-351st Bomb Group and Solvay Geddes Veterans. He died in 2002 at the age of 81.
Bieganowski |
Two sons and a son-in-law of George Bieganowski, 111 Gertrude Street, Solvay, are serving in the armed forces. Sgt. Victor Bieganowski and Pvt. Arthur Bieganowski are serving overseas; Sgt. Ernest Pietrantoni is serving with the engineers in Louisiana. (12/26/43) |
S/Sgt. Victor A. Bieganowski died in action in 1945 with the 25th Infantry Division of the U. S. Army. He was awarded a Silver Star and a Purple Heart.
Arthur Chester Bieganowski retired in 1980 as sales manager at Cole Muffler. He died in 2001 at the age of 86.
Birks |
Richard Birks was a native of Canada whose family moved to the town of Geddes when he was a boy. Soon after Birks graduated from Solvay High School in 1939, his family returned to Canada where he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was one of the former Solvay students who lost his life during the war. |
Black |
First Lieut. Asher Black, Medical Corps, of 1105 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, has been promoted to captain, it was announced today by the War Department. (1/28/44) |
Asher Black became a doctor in Syracuse and president of St. Joseph's Hospital. He served throughout World War 2 in the U. S. Army Medical Corps and was discharged in 1946 with the rank of major. He did not retire until 2006, then he and his wife, Lilly, moved to Boca Raton, Florida, where he died in 2012. He was 95.
Max Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer L. Black, 1105 Cogswell Avenues, Solvay, has been cited for being in the first octile for scholastic standing in the Army Air Forces Pre-Meterology Detachment at Brown University. He is in the top eighth of his unit according to grades in his courses. Black is a former student at Syracuse University. (8/21/43)
Pvt. Max Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Black, 1105 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, and Pvt. David de Lima, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul de Lima, 821 Comstock Avenue, concluded preliminary work under AAF Training Command academic study program at Brown University. They are members of the AAF Technical Training Detachment. (6/1/44) |
My guess is that Max Black — identified as Maxie in the 1940 census — is known today at Dr. Martin M. Black, another highly respected Syracuse doctor. A third brother, Howard, also is a doctor, in Pittsburgh. And if I'm not mistaken, one of their sisters, Celia Black Jacobs, was a music teacher in the Solvay school system.
Blair |
Pvt. Bernard L. Blair, son of Mrs. Ida Blair, 111 State Fair Boulevard, Lakeland, has returned to Nashville, Tennessee, after a furlough. He entered the Army last October and was previously stationed at Camp Stewart, Georgia, and Carrabelle, Florida. While home on furlough, his wife gave birth to a seven-pound, 11-ounce son, David Anthony Blair, their first child. (7/1/43) |
Bernard L. Blair worked 36 years at Syracuse China. He died in 2001 at the age of 81, survived by his wife, the former Theresa Licameli; a daughter, Judith B. Wentworth of Pennellville, and son David Blair, of Syracuse.
Blais |
Pvt. Roger A. Blais, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blais, 360 Lakeside Road, Lakeland, is in Army Air Corps training at Miami Beach, Florida. Before his induction into the Air Corps he attended Solvay High School. (7/2/43)
Pfc. Roger A. Blais, 360 Lakeside Road, was graduated from Armament School at Lowry Field, Colorado. (10/21/43)
Aerial gunner Roger A. Blais was graduated from the Harlingen, Texas, flexible gunner school and awarded silver wings. (1/8/44)
Corp. Roger Blais and Seaman Second Class Roland Blais are sons of Mr. and Mrs. A. Blais of Lakeside Road, Solvay, serving in the armed forces. Corp. Blais is a gunner on a dive bomber based in New Guinea. S2C Blais is stationed in Shoemaker, California. (8/8/44) |
Roger A. Blais was born in Fall River, Massachusetts, but moved to Geddes and graduated from Solvay High School. He and his wife, the former Elizabeth J. Obert, and their family moved to Phoenix, New York, in 1951. Blais died there in 2002; he was 77. Roland Silvanus Blais settled in Liverpool. He died in 1991 at the age of 64.
Blake |
Reported missing in action: Frank Burns Blake Jr., aviation machinist’s mate 2/c, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burns Blake Sr., 326 First Street, Solvay. (5/29/45) |
Blake was killed in action; no details are available.
Blasier |
Transfer of Private Richard H. Blasier, son of Mrs. Margaret Blasier of 213 Caroline Avenue, Solvay, from Fort McDowell, California, to the Hawaiian Islands was announced today by Col. John R. Kelley, in command of the Northwestern New York Army Recruiting District. Blasier enlisted in Syracuse December 1. (12/27/39) |
Blewett |
Robert J. Blewett, 511 Montrose Avenue, Solvay, has reported to Chapel Hill, North Carolina, to begin instruction as a naval aviation cadet. (10/23/42)
Robert J. Blewett, 21, son of Mrs. Robert Blewett, 511 Montrose Avenue, Solvay, was appointed a Naval aviation cadet and transferred to the Naval Air Training Station, Pensacola, Florida, for intermediate flight training. He received his preliminary training at the Naval Air Station in Olathe, Kansas. (5/26/43)
Robert J. Blewett of Solvay, won his Navy “Wings of Gold” this week when he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marine Crops after completing prescribed flight training at the Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Florida. He will become a naval aviator at one of the Navy’s air operational training centers before being assigned to a combat zone. (8/27/43) |
Robert J. Blewett moved to Camillus and retired in 1982 after 38 years as an engineer at New York Telephone. He died in 1999 at the age of 77.
Bome |
Isadore C. Bome, 211 Caroline Avenue, Solvay, entered the Navy in September, 1943. Upon his return from the war he moved to Camillus where he worked in the management division of Camillus Cutlery for 35 years. His memberships included the Geddes Vets, the DAV Coonley Nojaim Chapter, and the Tyrol Club of Solvay. He died in 2006 at the age of 91. Survivors included his wife of 65 years, the former Gilda Tarolli, and two sons, John Bome of Navarino and Michael Bome of Otisco Lake. |
Bondoni |
Seaman Second Class Henry E. Bondoni, 586 State Fair Boulevard, Lakeland, was granted a furlough following the completion of basic training at the Sampson Naval Training Station on Seneca Lake, near Geneva. (8/8/43)
Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonoini, 586 State Fair Boulevard, Lakeland, are serving in the Navy. John E. Failoni, seaman, first class, is at sea after two transatlantic voyages. Henry E. Bondoni, H.A. 2-C, is now at Jacksonville, Florida. (11/5/43) |
Henry E. “Hank” Bondoni died February 19, 2010. He was born in Syracuse, lived in Lakewood, and graduated from Solvay High School. After the war he moved to Camillus. In 1985, he retired from Crucible Steel Corporation. He was survived by his wife of 53 years, the former Bernadette Mahan, and three children, four grandchildren, his brother, John Failoni of Solvay, three nephews and one niece.
Borrell |
Pvt. George Borrell, son of Mrs. Mary Borrell, 411 First Street, Solvay, today entered Fort Niagara. He is a former Solvay High School athlete and also played shortstop for the Brookfields and halfback for the Bisons in football. (6/4/43) |
From Jack Durkin's column in the Syracuse Herald-Journal, June 11, 1943:
Three Borrell brothers of softball are serving with the armed forces. They are Chris, George and Tony, all in the Army. George is probably the only Syracuse player who ever hit a home run off Harold “Shifty” Gears of the Rochester Kodaks. He struck the blow while playing with Solvay Process in a state tournament here. |
Anthony Borrell died in 1994 at the age of 76. He was a life resident of Solvay and retired after 44 years with Pass & Seymour Company. George A. Borrell, a truly gifted athlete, died in 1992. He also worked at Pass & Seymour, as a quality control inspector, but moved to Liverpool
I have a vague memory of George Borrell being nicknamed "Goose" when he played baseball for the Solvay team in a semi-pro league that briefly flourished after the war. For a year or two he was my favorite baseball player.
Bosco |
Corp. Aniel J. Bosco, husband of Mrs. Betty Bosco, 906 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, met three of his hometown fellows in New Guinea. They were Corp. Anthony Borrell, husband of Mrs. Leona Borrell, 112 Alice Avenue, Solvay, who enlisted June 10, 1942; Sgt. Louis Dannibale, son of Joseph Dannibale of 101 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay, and Corp. Tony John, son of Mrs. Carl Dattelas, 807 Cogswell Avenue, Solvay. (3/7/44) |
Aniel J. Bosco, the man with an unusual first name, died in 1995 at the Veterans Administration Medical Center near Syracuse after a brief illness. He was 84.
Second Lieutenant Joseph Bosco of 106 Second Street, Solvay, is on active duty with the Army Air Forces at Geiger Field, Spokane, Washington. (3/15/43) |
Bowers |
Two sons of District Attorney William H. Bowers of Alice Avenue, Solvay, are home on leave together for the first time in more than a year.
They are Warrant Officer William H. Bowers Jr., a band leader with the AAF band at Barksdale Field, Louisiana, and Aviation Cadet Richard Bowers, who is completing twin-engine advanced training at George Army Air Field, Illinois.
The warrant officer served nine months in Hawaii after entering service with the Syracuse unit of the National Guard in October, 1940. Air Cadet Bowers enlisted February 27, 1943, and has completed his pre-flight primary and basic air training.
Both are graduates of Solvay High School. William Jr. attended the College of Fine Arts at Syracuse University and Richard was a student at St. Bonaventure College before entering service. (5/25/44) |
William H. "Bill" Bowers Jr. went on to have a long and varied career in music, teaching at Cato-Meridian Central School in Cato, New York; Saint Petersburg Junior College in Florida; Cal Western University in San Diego, California, and Southwest Junior High School in Chula Vista, California. He also played trumpet and trombone in orchestras assembled in San Diego for concerts and touring musicals. He moved from San Diego to Placerville, California, in 1986, and died in 2009 at the age of 89.
Botz |
Syracuse Herald-Journal, June 8, 1943
Sgt. Joseph N. Botz, 26, who has been stationed overseas with a medical unit for seven months, surprised his mother last weekend by appearing at her bedroom window and calling her when she believed he was on the battlefront in North Africa.
Early Sunday morning Sgt. Botz made his mother think she was dreaming when Mrs. Peter N. Botz of 132 Boulder Road, Solvay, heard a voice calling, “Hey. Mom, open the door and let me in!”
About six weeks ago Mrs. Botz received word that her only son would not be able to write for awhile as he was “moving up to the front.” Weeks of silence passed before Sgt. Botz arrived in America on Tuesday, June 1.
He was attached to a hospital ship, which docked with wounded men and prisoners of war. He had not notified his parents because he wasn’t certain about his three-day pass to visit Syracuse. |
I wish the newspaper had described his mother's reaction. If it had been my mother, she would have screamed, "Don't ever do that again!" Joseph Botz returned to Solvay, was a supervisor at the Onondaga County Water Authority and a member of the Solvay Volunteer Fire Department. He retired in 1979 and died in 1998 at the age of 81.
Box |
James Box Jr., second lieutenant, 707 Myrtle Street, left for Montgomery, Alabama, after passing a furlough with his parents. The Solvay High School graduate served four months in Hawaii before completing officer training at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. (9/8/42) |
Bray |
Raymond R. Bray, seaman second class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Oatman, 437 Stafford Avenue, has returned to Sampson after enjoying a seven-day furlough. He attended Solvay High School and formerly was employed by the New York Central Railroad. (5/27/43) |
Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oatman of 437 Stafford Ave., are serving in the armed forces. They are Raymond Bray, boilermaker, 2/c, who has been serving aboard the USS Hobson since June, 1943. The Hobson is the destroyer-minesweeper which shot down four Japanese suicide planes in 67 minutes of concentrated fury 75 miles northwest of Okinawa on April 16 before it was attacked by one of the planes and had to steam its way 10,000 miles to the Norfolk Navy Yard for repairs. The other son is Walter Bray, coxswain, serving aboard an attack transport which participated in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. (9/8/45) |
A third son, Clarence "Bud" Bray, also served in the Navy during the war. |
Photos courtesy of Judy T. Bray, widow of Raymond Bray, her husband of 42 years, who died November 11, 2017, at the age of 92. She also sent this additional information:
Ray was inducted on March 2, 1943, served on the U.S.S. Hobson, DD 464, (which became the DMS 26) in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters. Following his honorable discharge from the Navy on January 22, 1946, he married, built his first home, and raised six children in Rochester NY. He retired from Kodak in 1983.
I could not have asked for a more wonderful husband. An outdoorsman, hunter, fisherman, boater, do-it-yourselfer, Navy-Man, Family-Man, hard worker, breakfast-maker, cook, and baker; a decent, kind, honest man ... I could go on and on.
Proud to have served in the Navy, Ray left us on Veterans Day.
Briggs |
Lieut. Betty Lou Briggs of Solvay, is in charge of a 36-bed surgical ward at the 52nd General Hospital in England. She was commissioned in the Army Nurse Corps in October, 1942. (6/8/45)
Announcement is made of the marriage of Lieut. Betty Briggs, ANC, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Briggs, 917 Second Street, Solvay, to Lieut. Robert Warner, USAAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner, 123 Shirley Drive, recently by Chaplain Martineau in the Chapel in Kennedy General Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee.
Lieut. Geraldine Richards and Lieut. Charles Kanoe were the attendants. The bride will accompany her husband to Atlantic City, New Jersey, when he reports for reassignment, September 9. Lieut. Warner returned to this country recently following release from a German prisoner of war camp. The bride is stationed in Kennedy General Hospital. (9/6/45) |
Brock |
Daniel J. Brock, 429 Chemung Street, Solvay, son of Thomas J. Brock, Solvay chief of police, has been appointed a second lieutenant in the air corps following completion of a course at Kelly Field, Texas. (9/1/42)
Capt. Daniel J. Brock of Solvay is on terminal leave from the AAF at Andrews Field, Maryland, pending an honorable discharge. He has been in service since 1941. (12/19/45) |
Daniel J. Brock retired as co-owner and operator of Brock Sales Company. He died in 2000 in Minden, Louisiana. He was 82.
Brostek |
You'd need a scorecard to keep up with the Brostek family. At least eight Brosteks were in uniform during World War 2. Five were sons of Anthony and Anna Brostek, three were the sons of Walter and Sophia Brostek. All four parents were born in Poland. I suspect Anthony and Walter were brothers.
Henry A. Brostek, son of Mrs. Anna Brostek, 1204 Woods Road, Solvay, recently appointed a naval aviation cadet, has been sent to the air station at Pensacola, Florida, for flight training. (6/29/42) |
Syracuse Herald-Journal, January 10, 1945
QUANTICO, Virginia — Marine Capt. Henry A. Brostek, 26, of 1204 Woods Road, Solvay, received a Gold Star in lieu of a second Air Medal in a ceremony at Aviation Ground Officers School, Marine Barracks.
The award honored Capt. Brostek’s part in 19 damaging strikes against the Japanese last spring when he served as a pilot in a Marine scout bombing squadron in the Solomon Islands and Bismarck Archipelago areas. Vice Adm. John H. Newton, USN, commander of the South Pacific Area Air Forces, in citing Capt. Brostek for his courage and skill in these missions, described the flier’s direct hits on a gun emplacement and buildings at Rabaul, New Britain, last March 28 and April 1.
Capt. Brostek’s citation was read at the award ceremony by Maj. F. M. Chapman, executive officer of the Aviation Ground Officers School, and the Gold Star was pinned on the pilot’s chest by Lieut. Col. W. K. Pottinger, school executive officer.
Capt. Brostek, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brostek Jr., of Solvay, is married to the former Betty Rita Hanahan, Los Angeles, California. He attended Catholic University in Washington, D.C., receiving the A. B. degree in 1941, and served at Marine Corps air stations in Miramar, California; Cherry Point, North Carolina, and Newport, Rhode Island, before going to the South Pacific area for combat duty.
One brother, William, is a Marine Corps private serving in the Pacific area; brother Joe is an Army sergeant in a Memphis, Tennessee, hospital; brother Frank is an Army corporal serving in France, and brother Anthony, also an Army corporal, is in the Pacific. |
Corp. Joseph J. Brostek, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Brostek, 1204 Woods Road, was promoted to his present rank at Hunter Field, Savannah, Georgia. He entered service May 9, 1942, Prior to entering service he was employed by Solvay Process Company. (8/17/43) |
Five sons of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brostek, 1204 Woods Road, Solvay, are in the armed forces. Lieut. Henry Brostek is a Marine pilot in the Pacific; Sgt. Joseph Brostek and Pvt. Frank J. Brostek are in the Army in Georgia, and Pvt. Anthony Brostek is in Florida. Pvt. William Brostek has been accepted by the Marines. (3/12/44) |
Anthony Brostek worked at Allied Chemical for more than 30 years. He died in 2001 at the age of 89. Frank J. Brostek was employed 42 years with the village of Solvay Electric Department. He died in 1996 at the age of 72. His son, Daniel, has been very active in village affairs. Henry Brostek died in 2005 at the age of 87. He lived for several years in Clark, New Jersey, where he worked for Karnak Corporation, before he returned to Central New York. Stanley Brostek died in 1977. The last thing I read about William Brostek is that he and his wife, Leona, were celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary. That was in November, 2011. |
Stanley J. Brostek, 2059 Milton Avenue, Solvay, was inducted into the Navy yesterday. (8/10/43) |
Then there were Stanley's brothers, Edward A. Brostek and Chester Brostek (Brzostek in his obituary, perhaps the original Polish spelling). They were sons of Walter and Sophia Brostek. Edward was an Army Air Force veteran of World War 2 and recipient of the Purple Heart. He died in 2006 at the age of 79. Chester, who settled in Fairmount, was an Army veteran. He died in 1985 at the age of 66. Both worked at Crucible Steel. Stanley J. Brostek died in 1977. |
Brown |
A total of 214 men were inducted into the United States Armed Forces at the New York State Armory as the mobile induction team returned to Syracuse. Officials indicated that 2,000 will be examined during the week.
Among the fathers accepted for service was Donald M. Brown, 205 First Street, Solvay, who will enter training as an aviation cadet. Married with one son, he is a graduate of Cook Academy, Montour Falls, and was employed by the Solvay Process Company. He is the son of Donald E. Brown, official of the Onondaga Golf and Country Club. (1/4/44) |
Donald M. Brown also was connected with the Brostek family through his marriage to Jane A. Brostek, sister of the sons of Anthony and Anna Brostek mentioned above. She died in 1987. Donald M. Brown retired as a foreman at Allied Chemical Corporation. He died in 2002 at the age of 84. Survivors included a daughter, Barbara A. Pirro of Solvay, and two sons, David E. Brown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Donald T. Brown of Liverpool.
Sgt. Harlow Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lane of 1337 Milton Avenue, and whose wife resides at 216 Lincoln Avenue, enjoyed a furlough before reporting to Orlando, Florida, after graduating from gunnery school at Kingman, Arizona. Robert Brown, his brother, is overseas on the Atlantic side. (1/5/44) |
Stanley R. Brown, who formerly lived at 1204 Willis Avenue, has been promoted to second class petty officer in the Navy at Richmond, Virginia. He is a former employee of the Solvay Process Company. (1/9/43) |
Browning |
Pvt. William F. Browning, son of Mr,. and Mrs. Leo Browning, 302 Driscoll Avenue Solvay, completed an Army Ordnance Department specialist course for tanks at Detroit, Michigan. (10/30/43) |
Bryan |
John G. Bryan, petty officer, third class, aviation ordnance man, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parker, 402 Montrose Avenue, was graduated from Radar and Ordnance at Memphis, Tennessee, and has been assigned to Hollywood, Florida, for further training in gunnery. A graduate of Solvay High School, he was a Crucible Steel Company employee. (11/10/43) |
After the war John G. Bryan graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and became art director for the Geer DuBois Advertising Agency in New York City, retiring in 1986. He returned to Central New York and was living in Marcellus when he died in 1997 at the age of 73.
Buckley |
John Earl Buckley Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Buckley, Piercefield Drive, Solvay, is stationed at Mitchel Field, Long Island. (9/18/42) |
Bull |
Second Lieutenant Harvie A. Bull, 968 State Fair Boulevard. was commissioned and received pilot wings at Eagle Pass Army Air Field, Texas. (8/19/44) |
Bulson |
AC Raymond H. Bulson has returned to pre-flight school at San Antonio, Texas, after passing a 15-day furlough with his wife at Williamstown. he was a former employee at the Solvay Process Company and a resident at 414 Abell Avenue, Solvay. (4/20/43)
Pfc. Raymond H. Bulson, 414 Abell Avenue, Solvay, is a waist gunner on a Flying Fortress at the Army Air Field, Pyote, Texas. (3/25/44) |
Burns |
Thomas Burns, 18, son of Mrs. Frances Burns of 810 Third Street, Solvay, has been graduated from the gunner’s mate school of the Navy at Great Lakes, Illinois. (2/19/43) |
Buzze |
Second Lieut. Frank C. Buzze, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buzze, 110 Kenmore Street, Solvay, received the wings of an Army Air Forces pilot and was commissioned at Spence Field, Georgia. (9/8/43) |
Kenmore Street is off Montrose Avenue, a few blocks from the Westcott Reservoir. If Kenmore isn't inside the Solvay village line, it should be. Buzze (right) also fought in the Korean War and rose to the rank of colonel.
The link above is to a story about his Korean War adventures and his life in retirement up to his death in 2001.
Byrns |
Twins Paul and Carl Byrns, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Byrns of Caroline Avenue Solvay, left for military service yesterday. Their father is a veteran of the first World War. (3/20/43)
Paul R. Byrns of 238 Caroline Avenue, Solvay, a veteran of seven months in the European Theater of Operations, has reported to Camp Aries, France, the redeployment camp headquarters for the Pacific Theater of Operations. (8/14/45) |
Paul R. Byrns Sr. moved to Liverpool and worked for Crouse-Hinds Company. The Army veteran received the Victory Ribbon, EAME Theatre Ribbon, American Theatre Ribbon and two Bronze Stars. He died in 1995 at the age of 71.
Miscellaneous B |
Inducted into the armed services:
Richard C. Baker, 2245 Milton Avenue, Solvay. (Army, 8/10/43)
Charles Baracco, 108 Alice Avenue, Solvay. (Navy, 7/8/43)
Philip Benevento, 1959 Milton Avenue, Solvay. (Army, 2/2/43)
Jerry T. Biondi, 207 King Avenue, Solvay. (Navy, 9/5/43)
Walter Borck Jr., 1316 Willis Avenue, Syracuse. (Army, 5/11/44)
Carlton O. Boyce, 125-1/2 South Avenue, Solvay. (Army, 6/10/43)
Edwin P. Bristol, 300 Montrose Avenue, Solvay. (Army, 4/2/44)
William J. Butler, 706 State Fair Boulevard, Lakeland. (Army, 2/2/43)
Honorably discharged:
CM 3/c Joseph Barnello, Solvay, from Sampson Naval Station. (11/13/45)Pfc.
EM 2/c Warren E. Blake, Solvay, from Sampson. (12/27/45)
SSML 3/c John J. Bojczuk, 1004 Emerson Avenue, from Sampson. (12/21/45)
S/Sgt. George L. Bon, 19 Dorchester Road, Westvale, from Fort Dix. (9/26/45)
S/Sgt. Harry M. Bonner, 1142 Avery Avenue, from Fort Dix. (10/8/45)
Corp. Charles R. Brisky, RFD-1, Lakeland, from Fort Dix. (11/14/45)
Pfc. Andrew Buddle, 218 Breakspeare Road, Westvale, from Fort Dix. (9/5/45)
Corp. James M. Burkitt, Solvay, from Fort Dix. (10/8/45) |
Note: Charles Baracco and his wife, the former Catherine Lombardi, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in 2012