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Every year produces its share of memorable events, but 1933 will forever stand out as a year unlike any other, thanks to the Charlie Chaplin-lookalike who rose to power in Germany and the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as the president of the United States. They would dominate the news for the next 12 years.
John Dillinger: Best known "Machine Gun" Kelly: Overrated
Harvey Bailey: Most successful Verne Sankey: Least known
Wilbur Underhill: Most feared Waxey Gordon: Gypsy's friend
Bonnie & Clyde: Most overhyped Gus Winkler: aka "Big Mouth
Verne Miller: Most underrated Robbers often killed bystanders
The Kansas City Massacre USA declares war on criminals
Leonard Scarnici: Unlucky in Albany  

Jessie Costello dazzled jurors Weird man, weird murder
"Sphinx Murder" still unsolved Abused wife or muderer?
No candidate for mother-in-law Akron lawyer did the unthinkable
The Philandering Pharmacist Sara Ruth Dean wasn't worried
Perfect for 'Forensic Files' Murder in the cockpit
FDR escapes, Chicago mayor killed Who killed Dr. Gaines?
Call Lieutenant Columbo Wed today, dead tomorrow
Lou Neu sang at his execution Too young? Not these three:
Murder on the menu Mary Kavala killed playmate
Table scraps were deadly Harry Murch: Society's fault?
It played out like a movie Balfe MacDonald's mom said no

Mobster vs. mobster Factor abductions were suspicious
1932 tragedy set the scene Jack Klutas: Big man off campus
Mary McElroy: Never the same His kidnappers were infamous
Peggy McMath: dazed and confused Somehow August Luer survived
Okay Charles, stick 'em up Brewers, beware!
Brooke Hart case polarized country 1921 case may have been an omen
This Albany gang was inept  

Fantastiic Flying Lindberghs These two women flew and flew
It seemed like an aerial circus Black pilot C. Alfred Anderson
Italo Balbo's really big show What's with the swastika?
The DePinedo tragedy Bad times for airships
Amelia Earhart and special friend The Lindbergh of Canada
Secret flight ends in two deaths Celebration to tragedy in days
Wiley Post goes around the world Frank Hawks pioneered autopilot
Lost in Siberia They survived to fly again
The Mollisons: Love at first flight While several others we killed

'Empress' of the Galopagos America's sweetheart retiring
First lady Eleanor Roosevelt Did Libby Holman kill husband?
Ill-fated actress Edwina Booth Eleanor Jarman: Real-life fugitive
This prodigy was the real deal No comeback for Fatty Arbuckle
Aimee Semple McPherson Dorothy Parker: Tattooed lady
The marrying Mdivani brothers Helen Wills Moody
Scandalous Sally Rand Rudy Vallee was all the rage
Jean Harlow's life in chaos And we can't forget these folks
Lee Tracy's Mexican Misadventure  

The great experiment is over! Sleeping sickness stumped experts
I never promised you a beer garden Some folks just shouldn't have guns
A big year for labor disputes Chicago World's Fair
Train disasters were all too common Missouri safari was shamful mistake
Griffith Park, other disastrous fires North Carolina's Price-Potter war
Mother Nature was in a bad mood Press loved jewel thieves
Obvious movie ideas Jilted? File a lawsuit!
Things gone horribly wrong